/BCO-DMO/LipidLubeCarbCycle/KN207-03_bottle --time_start eq 0205-- Level 1

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# Niskin Bottle Data from cruise KN207-03
# PI: Kay Bidle (Rutgers)
# Version: 28 March 2013
# Note: BCO-DMO added cast,from
#    ime_start, lat_start, lon_start headers.   the CTD file headers.
cast  date_gmt  time_start  lat_start  lon_start  
60    20120703  0205        61.8382    -33.5117   
bottle  time_gmt  press_avg  press_sd  press_min  press_max  depth_avg  depth_sd  depth_min  depth_max  potemp   potemp2  sal       sal2       O2        O2_sat_pcnt  sigma_0  sigma_0_2  sigma_t  sigma_t_2  temp_avg  temp_sd  temp_min  temp_max  temp2_avg  temp2_sd  temp2_min  temp2_max  cond_avg  cond_sd   cond_min  cond_max  cond2_avg  cond2_sd  cond2_min  cond2_max  O2_v_avg  O2_v_sd  O2_v_min  O2_v_max  trans_avg  trans_sd  trans_min  trans_max  beam_c_avg  beam_c_sd  beam_c_min  beam_c_max  fluor_avg  fluor_sd  fluor_min  fluor_max  turbidity_avg  turbidity_sd  turbidity_min  turbidity_max  scan_avg  scan_sd  scan_min  scan_max  ISO_DateTime_UTC  
1       0207.13   40.289     0.142     40.021     40.579     39.900     0.141     39.634     40.187     6.7473   6.7319   35.0133   35.0178    6.77308   99.76728     27.4643  27.4698    27.4638  27.4693    6.7510    0.0463   6.6060    6.7972    6.7356     0.0576    6.5946     6.7844     3.508548  0.004212  3.495810  3.512412  3.507525   0.004914  3.494808   3.511621   2.3307    0.0011   2.3284    2.3333    93.1891    0.1050    93.0296    93.3895    0.2822      0.0045     0.2736      0.2890      2.4044     0.1785    2.1281     2.7141     0.6850083      0.0086068     0.6732625      0.7001245      3409      35       3349      3469      2012-07-03T02:07:08Z  
2       0207.78   35.560     0.267     35.237     36.020     35.216     0.264     34.897     35.672     6.8807   6.8792   35.0100   35.0102    6.81324   100.66348    27.4433  27.4437    27.4428  27.4432    6.8840    0.0397   6.8344    6.9706    6.8825     0.0194    6.8506     6.9255     3.520285  0.003319  3.516130  3.527538  3.520171   0.001635  3.517490   3.523776   2.3463    0.0025   2.3394    2.3504    91.7175    0.3243    91.3073    92.1813    0.3459      0.0141     0.3257      0.3638      2.8319     0.1467    2.5090     3.0951     0.7386517      0.0534110     0.6830305      0.8417607      4352      35       4292      4412      2012-07-03T02:07:47Z  
3       0208.37   30.337     0.195     30.063     30.699     30.044     0.193     29.773     30.403     7.1272   7.1837   35.0081   35.0074    6.91937   102.80760    27.4074  27.3989    27.4070  27.3985    7.1301    0.0294   7.0852    7.2089    7.1866     0.0502    7.1009     7.2612     3.542593  0.002516  3.539188  3.549107  3.547755   0.004199  3.540063   3.554064   2.3904    0.0008   2.3883    2.3920    86.6416    0.2307    86.0633    86.9373    0.5736      0.0107     0.5599      0.6003      4.0752     0.0773    3.9010     4.1647     0.9530433      0.0659558     0.8832747      1.0664249      5195      35       5135      5255      2012-07-03T02:08:22Z  
4       0208.88   26.601     0.243     26.239     26.913     26.345     0.241     25.986     26.653     7.8258   7.7948   34.9926   34.9900    7.25074   109.44042    27.2941  27.2967    27.2938  27.2963    7.8284    0.0197   7.7736    7.8462    7.7974     0.0443    7.6944     7.8426     3.605726  0.002033  3.595588  3.607346  3.602602   0.004175  3.593477   3.606745   2.4945    0.0127   2.4701    2.5117    84.4231    0.3819    83.5185    84.9066    0.6773      0.0181     0.6545      0.7204      3.8988     0.1074    3.7178     4.0182     1.0985746      0.0438965     0.9931648      1.1421270      5917      35       5857      5977      2012-07-03T02:08:53Z  
5       0209.02   26.628     0.099     26.375     26.796     26.372     0.098     26.121     26.537     7.8274   7.7625   34.9955   34.9987    7.27549   109.82005    27.2961  27.3083    27.2957  27.3079    7.8301    0.0283   7.7445    7.8582    7.7651     0.0399    7.7043     7.8425     3.606145  0.002026  3.600230  3.608495  3.600407   0.003143  3.595258   3.607165   2.5188    0.0020   2.5153    2.5214    84.7029    0.2144    84.2639    84.9580    0.6641      0.0101     0.6521      0.6849      3.9024     0.0869    3.7178     4.0182     1.0446285      0.0585301     0.9516508      1.1836410      6126      35       6066      6186      2012-07-03T02:09:01Z  
6       0209.45   25.711     0.180     25.391     25.951     25.463     0.178     25.146     25.701     7.8307   7.8867   34.9924   34.9967    7.28894   110.02874    27.2933  27.2883    27.2929  27.2879    7.8332    0.0344   7.7639    7.8665    7.8892     0.0189    7.8402     7.9091     3.606118  0.003262  3.599320  3.609560  3.611717   0.001518  3.608047   3.613525   2.5266    0.0009   2.5251    2.5288    86.3423    0.2144    86.0891    86.7060    0.5874      0.0099     0.5706      0.5992      3.5889     0.0532    3.5127     3.6738     0.9471301      0.0350701     0.9028107      1.0151429      6751      35       6691      6811      2012-07-03T02:09:27Z  
7       0210.15   20.605     0.159     20.399     20.844     20.406     0.158     20.203     20.644     8.7666   8.8036   34.9975   34.9947    7.19027   110.83655    27.1535  27.1454    27.1532  27.1451    8.7688    0.0408   8.6753    8.8347    8.8058     0.0245    8.7743     8.8441     3.693681  0.003625  3.684921  3.699936  3.696884   0.002302  3.693730   3.700696   2.5455    0.0014   2.5434    2.5483    89.9075    0.3454    88.9681    90.4333    0.4256      0.0154     0.4022      0.4676      2.0951     0.0457    2.0182     2.1574     0.7316486      0.0332328     0.6879145      0.7855946      7743      35       7683      7803      2012-07-03T02:10:09Z  
8       0210.25   20.529     0.115     20.368     20.759     20.331     0.114     20.172     20.560     8.8037   8.8035   34.9991   34.9982    7.17992   110.76904    27.1489  27.1482    27.1486  27.1479    8.8058    0.0105   8.7897    8.8237    8.8057     0.0074    8.7932     8.8200     3.697305  0.000983  3.695840  3.698789  3.697204   0.000669  3.696083   3.698436   2.5429    0.0010   2.5410    2.5446    90.3426    0.0763    90.0991    90.4590    0.4062      0.0034     0.4011      0.4170      1.9926     0.0566    1.9229     2.0988     0.7195193      0.0126941     0.6927985      0.7367546      7897      35       7837      7957      2012-07-03T02:10:15Z  
9       0210.95   15.731     0.285     15.198     16.064     15.580     0.282     15.052     15.909     9.5112   9.5110   35.0035   35.0025    7.05055   110.48213    27.0373  27.0365    27.0370  27.0362    9.5129    0.0119   9.4941    9.5418    9.5128     0.0156    9.4913     9.5482     3.763994  0.001026  3.762294  3.766486  3.763887   0.001378  3.761971   3.767159   2.5410    0.0007   2.5398    2.5422    90.7048    0.3738    89.9192    91.1531    0.3903      0.0165     0.3705      0.4250      1.8759     0.0479    1.7764     1.9376     0.6929600      0.0213139     0.6488425      0.7147766      8893      35       8833      8953      2012-07-03T02:10:57Z  
10      0211.83   10.633     0.060     10.507     10.729     10.531     0.060     10.406     10.626     10.9398  10.9869  35.0124   35.0066    6.59807   106.63579    26.7961  26.7831    26.7959  26.7828    10.9411   0.0259   10.8471   10.9739   10.9882    0.0269    10.9116    11.0101    3.900143  0.001555  3.896600  3.902331  3.904056   0.002501  3.897351   3.906111   2.4758    0.0009   2.4738    2.4775    90.7552    0.5116    89.6879    91.2045    0.3881      0.0226     0.3683      0.4353      1.6212     0.0126    1.6079     1.6519     0.6929398      0.0212452     0.6683785      0.7269866      10175     35       10115     10235     2012-07-03T02:11:50Z  
11      0212.65   5.620      0.138     5.231      5.844      5.566      0.137     5.181      5.788      11.0709  11.0731  35.0117   35.0105    6.58360   106.69746    26.7718  26.7704    26.7717  26.7703    11.0716   0.0029   11.0662   11.0778   11.0738    0.0032    11.0684    11.0805    3.912308  0.000255  3.911890  3.912835  3.912402   0.000304  3.911885   3.913029   2.4769    0.0011   2.4750    2.4799    91.0686    0.0526    90.9731    91.1531    0.3742      0.0023     0.3705      0.3784      1.5465     0.0335    1.4907     1.5859     0.6855734      0.0110674     0.6732625      0.7050085      11357     35       11297     11417     2012-07-03T02:12:39Z